Want Stunt Training Yet Don’t Know Where To Turn? Thinking About Becoming A Fight
Choreographer Or Stunt Coordinator Yet
Don’t Know How To Take The Next Step?

Here’s The Amazingly Simple

Solution To Get What

You Need To START & GROW

Your Career
To The Next Level!

  • Do you have a burning desire IN YOUR HEART to get started as a professional stunt performer or action actor yet can’t seem to get going and growing?

  • Have you noticed that more and more Movies, TV shows and MOCAP projects feature ACTION actors and stunt performers as integral parts of their productions (i.e. Netflix productions, Marvel movies & TV shows, MANY Video Games, D.C. Comics movies, Viking movies, etc.)?

  • Do you have a favorite TV show or movie franchise that you’d love to be in yet you need to know stunts to get cast?

  • Are you at a point in your career where you realize you have a talent for fight choreography or a passion for coordinating stunts & action sequences yet you realize you can’t seem to learn more than you already know because either no one around you is teaching anything new or there aren’t any teachers/mentors near you?

  • Are you already a stunt performer yet feel that you’re AT A PLATEAU IN YOUR CAREER and YOUR TRAINING and realize you’re not learning anything new, growing as a performer and it’s starting not to be fun anymore?

  • Are you a filmmaker / content creator who’d like to add stunts & action sequences to your own projects and would like to learn how to perform stunts firsthand?

My stunt team C.B.T. Stunt Alliance has always trained in the traditional stunts (i.e. falls, fight choreography, martial arts weapons, tactical firearms training, vehicular stunts, etc.) yet we are KNOWN for 2 things:

1) Exotic Martial Arts Weapons for Film & TV – a variety of swords, spears, knives, clubs and other weapons from cultures around the world.


2) Elite Tactical Firearms for Film & TV

Most well organized stunt teams tend to specialize in 1 or 2 things. For us, it’s why we routinely get hired to play roles for Roman Gladiators, Vikings, Samurai, Deadly warriors for video games, assassins, Special Forces Soldiers, Elite Mercenaries and more.

Needless to say we’ve all enjoyed AMAZING careers and have had an absolute blast! This success came about because we literally trained in stunts and stunt fighting EVERY Sunday for 3 hours per session for years. This ensured that we were always at the top of our game.

During this time, we’ve always had actors, stunt performers and filmmakers/content creators that found us in the search engines, social media or get referred to us to learn stunts and fight choreography training so they can use it for specific projects or in general just so they can audition for roles that require stunt training in various TV shows and movies.

The problem was we were always too busy working to actually train all these people. We’d simply tell them we’d add them to the list (which was a VERY long one!) and notify them when we were teaching classes, which would rarely ever happen. Hey it’s what happens when you’re in demand!

SIDE NOTE – we did provide paid actor/ stunt performer training yet mainly for actors and stunt performers for projects that WE were hired for. This is one of the ways we got known in the industry and got so many referrals.

The breaking point came, when one woman literally contacted me EVERY month for 4 months straight to ask if we were teaching a tactical class yet. I always gave her the same “add you to the list” answer yet she knew she really needed the training to grow her career and the other tactical courses out there were just for personal defense and had nothing to with film & TV (there’s a WORLD of difference). Her annoying and undying persistence paid off! Lol! So we went ahead and scheduled some classes.

We limited the number of students because we didn’t want a huge deluge of students and as predicted the classes sold out quickly (though that meant many more were added to our ‘list’). Well everyone loved the classes! So much so that many asked if they could get VIDEOS of the training to use as a reference for later on. They didn’t want to forget the great lessons that they’d learned and the wealth of information that our instructors shared with them.

I realized that day that everything had changed for me. My stunt team and I could no longer simply chalk it up to being too busy to help other aspiring actors, stunt performers and content creators. We had to recreate our approach, our priorities, our thinking. It took me 6 months to put it all together.

Yet when I did…it all clicked! We got great results and feedback from a test group of students that loved the teaching strategy we’d innovated. They learned EXACTLY what they needed to know to grow their careers WHEN they needed it and more importantly were able to RETAIN what they’d learned for auditions, film & TV projects and their reels. All thanks to the unique teaching strategy & learning system we put together for them.

Here’s How This System Helped Our Students

Book Killer Roles And Made Them The ENVY

Of Their Friends

Take a look at just some of their results:

  • Jason H., stunt performer and actor, went on to book multiple dream roles. 1 as a stunt fighting Yakuza Boss and another role as the LEAD Samurai in a world famous video game and live action trailer.

  • Newbie to the stunt business, Anthony T., booked roles as a stunt fighting mercenary in a period piece TV show.

  • Actor and stunt performer Hiram C. booked roles as a villain in a TV series, a mercenary in a feature film, the LEAD role in a martial arts action web series and a part in a Viking movie all requiring stunt training.

  • Actor and stunt performer Tavarus W. booked roles as a stunt fighter mercenary in a gladiator movie as well as the LEAD in a world famous performers music video featuring him in a post apocalyptic world fighting off villains. To date, close to 2M views!

  • Aspiring action actor, Dan W., booked the lead in a martial arts action movie as an assassin; a gladiator in a gladiator movie; an Elite Mercenary; a stunt fighting villain in a feature film as well as the LEAD villain in a movie in a post apocalyptic world. All requiring stunt training.
  • Veteran actor and stunt performer Ryan M. booked roles as a leading man in a feature film that had him in a fight scene, and a warrior in an Assassin’s Creed video game and live action trailer.

  • Actress Elena R. booked roles as a gun toting, cop shooting, femme fatale in a TV show, an ass kicking assassin in a movie as well as an enemy solider in a TV series that both required stunt training

  • Newbie to the acting world, Ken M., went on to book MANY roles (over 98 IMDB credits and counting!) ranging from henchman, mercenary and armed alien drone to soldier, cult leader and more! And yes they virtually all required performing stunts.

And the list goes on and on!

It was this experience that made me realize something…Not all aspiring actors, stunt performers & filmmakers get the opportunity to get the precise stunt training that they need to start & grow their career or even make their own projects. And honestly that makes me feel sad.

So after this test run, I made a promise to myself: that I and my stunt team would do whatever we could to help out new people coming into the business…as well as veteran actors & stunt performers…learn both basic and advanced stunt training to book as many roles as possible.

So I started breaking down and improving the “teaching strategy and learning system” we used to get breakthrough results for our test students to launch their action acting and stunt careers and even grow them to the next level.

So after MANY requests, we officially launched CBT Stunt Alliance’s Online Action University Stunt Classes and Stunt Training for Newbies & PROs

And today I’m excited to announce that our latest and MOST POPULAR Course is ready for online release. Introducing the…

‘Stunt Performer Boot Camp’


Finally, I’ve put back together the complete PAID courses we taught over the past several years and decided to let actors & stunt performers like you benefit from all the research, experiments, trial and error that we did with 100s of actors, stunt performers and filmmakers for years.

I, and my stunt teammates, have learned firsthand how amazing and lifechanging this training is based on our own experiences as well as the experiences of our many students and clients. So one of my goals, has been to find a way to help as many other actors, stunt performers and filmmakers looking for that 1 thing to give them a STRONG foundation and confidence in performing stunts, that 1 thing to help them book that next MAJOR role (that calls for having had stunt training) that could propel them onwards to fame & fortune. That 1 thing that can be their ‘Ace up their sleeve’, a true gamechanger and help them start OR grow their career to the next level!

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover Inside The

‘Stunt Performer Boot Camp’ - MasterCourse

  • The 4 Most Important Pieces of Stunt Training performance advice I was given when I was a newbie that changed my approach forever so you can always look amazing on camera even if the DP doesn’t know how to shoot action (which MOST don’t).

  • The 4 keys to fighting for camera so you don't make the most common mistakes that many actors and stunt performers make on set.

  • My personal 4 step mini-system that I used each day to make sure I was mentally & physically ready for the next big audition or performance so you can have the mental edge over other action actors & stunt performers up for the same role...which I promise will change everything...

  • Low Falls & Stunt Fighting Performance Drills, Practice Action Sequences and Techniques, so you can have the "performers edge” that makes the director and DP be drawn to you and always favor you in the shots.

  • You will be able to give yourself the confidence and industry know how you've been lacking at home and on set using the exact mental & psychological techniques our stunt team has used for years to train LEAD actors and stunt performers for their BEST performances in movies and TV shows.

  • You will make it crystal clear that you're an action actor or stunt performer who knows what the hell they're doing when EXPERTLY performing stunts & action sequences for film & TV.

Look Inside this MasterCourse▼

Here’s Everything You’re About To Get Your Hands On

‘The Winner’s Mindset, Goals & Aspirations For The Film Industry’ Video Breakdown ® - $99 value

One of the most overlooked aspects of stunt training for film & TV and one of the most important.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • I breakdown the most common types of career goals used by PRO stunt performers and action actors the world over, how realistic they are, if you can actually attain them, etc. so that you go into this business fully knowledgeable and aware of what you’re getting involved with and ensure you don’t waste your time and money chasing after an unrealistic fantasy.

  • Discover several easy to learn proven ‘winner mindsets’ that you can embody that will help you build a strong foundation for having a successful career and happy life while in this business so you don't put your relationships, marriage or future at risk at any time while you're pursuing your dreams.

  • Newbie stunt performers often come into this business with unrealistic goals. They don't realize that most people can't be stunt performers forever. Learn the 3 factors that WILL IMPACT your stunt performer or action actor career and how to set your aspirations to address them so you don’t have the carpet pulled out from under you right as your career is gaining momentum. This is one lesson you don’t want to learn the hard way!

‘The Stunt Pads, Equipment & Gear’ Video Primer ® - $75 value

Insider knowledge and tips about what training tools you need / don’t need to be successful in this field too often unknown or overlooked by most newbies.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • ‘Show & Tell’ video where you see exactly the various types of stunt pads, what they do, which ones you need to get right now and which ones you can get later on when the project calls for it so you go into every audition with confidence and go into any performance STRONG.

  • The Do’s and Dont’s of how to care for and maintain your stunt gear so it lasts for your entire career PLUS how to ensure that your stuff doesn’t get ‘stolen’ by other performers on the same set so you go into every gig looking like a PRO earning the respect of your fellow performers.

  • The ONE PIECE OF GEAR that absolutely every stunt performer or action actor should have if you’re serious about your career because without it you can't develop & grow your skills or take them to the next level.

  • Discover little known sources where you can get discount or FREE stunt training equipment and even how to repurpose everyday items you may already have into functional stunt training equipment that works just as well as gear that costs hundreds of dollars or more!

The ‘PRO Stunt Performers Full Body Warm Up 360’ ® - $150 value

Learn the Amazingly Effective, Time Tested, Performance Proven Method for warming up your entire body in a surprisingly short period of time that most performers don’t know.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Learn our popular full body stretch and warm up that we’ve taught to 100s of actors and stunt performers that we used in film & TV to prevent injuries and ensure that they were at their best when performing various stunts and action sequences.

  • Discover the key muscle groups and joints that you need to stretch and warm up throughout the day when you’re on set otherwise they’re prone to tighten, stiffen and possibly even tear when it's time for you to perform.

  • Our ‘Do as I do’ system of learning and memorizing this highly specialized warmup for stunt performers and action actors so that you can get it all done in under 10 minutes! This ensures that you know your body will always be ready to perform at its best when you need it to!

  • The 2 ways of ‘taking a knee’ that you can use to rest on set (when there aren’t any chairs available, which there usually aren’t), for flexibility and for stunt fighting techniques you’ll perform later on so you can always take a rest without leaving the set and look smooth and believable on camera during stunt fighting when having to go to a kneeling position.

The ‘Low Falls’ Masterclass ® - $197 value

Insider knowledge and tips about the MOST USED Falls in film & TV history.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Learn the 5 Types of low falls or landings that are used for the vast majority of stunts and action sequences the world over. Now when a stunt coordinator asks you to perform one or more of them, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do.

  • Performance Basics of the 5 Low Falls / Landings - learn step by step how to perform each one picture perfectly so that you avoid getting injured AND also look like a Bad Ass on camera!

  • The one rule that we call ‘The Amazing Performance Formula!!!’ – This is the secret sauce to performing PRO Caliber stunts. Our patented formula guarantees that you always perform an amazing act out with every fall or action sequence plus be able to do it another 5 – 10 times or more if the director calls for it AND not get injured along the way! This ensures that you impress not only the stunt coordinator yet the director as well!

The ‘Theatrical CBT Striking For Film’ Clinic ®- $197 value

For those who NEVER trained in martial arts before and need to learn how to perform punches and kicks…

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Performance Basics: Postures & Stances - learn step by step how to combatively hold your arms, hands and even specialized fighting stances for your legs so that you look like an experienced fighter even though you may have never thrown an actual punch in your entire life!

  • Learn the 9 most common hand strikes AND kicks that are used in stunt fighting, how to perform them, what targets on your scene partner you should be aiming at plus how to generate power to make the strikes look strong so you develop that ‘stunt fighter’s look’ that coordinators and production search for when they’re doing casting.

  • Our ‘Do as I Do’ system of learning 3 basic fight combinations that combine together the basic strikes that you learned and show you how to move your body as one fluid machine so that you look smooth and confident when you perform.

  • We breakdown the 3 PRO caliber empty hand striking series (that we even train our stunt team in) that are designed to help you smooth out your strikes, look more powerful, experienced & practiced on camera; and give you that ‘WOW factor!’ so you go into your next audition or performance with a solid skill set and game plan that’s sure to work.

  • The Do’s and Dont’s of performing punches and kicks that look compelling on camera. Avoiding some of the key mistakes can prevent amateur looking performances for aspiring action actors & stunt performers.

  • PRO TIPs on proper footwork, performance skills, goal setting and more to help you learn and absorb the lessons much easier and faster!

The 7 Most Important PRATT Falls for Film & TV Workshop ® - $99 value

The most misunderstood, underappreciated and underused type of specialized falls in professional stunts.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Learn step-by-step how to memorize and perform the 7 Most Important Pratt Falls for Film & TV. The vast majority of stunt performers don’t even know what a Pratt fall is let alone how many there are and how to perform them. Once you learn these you will have a significant advantage over other stunt performers and action actors because you’ll have far more tools in your toolbox to craft the perfect performance for any action sequence guaranteed to put a permanent smile on the director’s face.

  • The 3 tips we teach every lead actor on how to integrate their acting WITH the Pratt fall to make the performance appear natural, authentic and NOT choreographed to give that extra oomph to the scene and make the director and DP giddy with excitement.

  • Discover 2 more advanced techniques for performing Pratt falls to adapt them across different genres. You can’t be ONE dimensional as a performer or action actor. Since there are many genres in film and TV, you absolutely must be able to choose, adapt and perform the right Pratt fall to match the right genres. If not the stunt coordinator may fire you!

  • And much more!

The Medium Low Falls Academy ®-$225 value

Insider knowledge and tips about performing some of the most advanced and cinematic Falls from a height and what film & TV directors and DPs look for in an on-screen performance that are unknown and overlooked by MOST actors and virtually ALL stunt performers.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Discover the 2 types of I.L.P. (Ideal Landing Position) to use when performing any type of fall from a height. Either of these empower you with proven body positions that enable you to both absorb and disperse the energy of any type of medium low fall so that you land safely without injury and still enables you to deliver a compelling performance throughout the stunt.

  • Performance Basics: The Step Out/ The Face Off / The Front Fall. Learn step by step how to perform these classic falls which are used constantly in a variety of movies and TV shows. Plus how to safely practice them around your home to make sure that you've perfected your technique and are always camera ready to impress a stunt coordinator or production.

  • Learn PROVEN PRO TIPS for learning how to do ‘spotting’ for safely executing ALL of your falls from a height as well as the difference between medium low falls and high falls so that you go into every audition or performance with STRONG confidence in knowing your craft.

  • Performance Basics: The Back Fall / The Header (toe tapping). Learn step by step how to perform these classic falls which are used constantly in a variety of movies and TV shows. Plus how to safely practice them around your home to make sure that you've perfected your technique and are always camera ready to impress a stunt coordinator or production.

  • ‘Live Action’ Video Displays where you see PRO stunt performers and action actors in ACTUAL MOVIES & TV SHOWS performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals. See firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

  • And much more!

Volume 1 General Stunts’ Video Breakdown ® - $197 value

The steps to safely and cinematically performing high demand stunts that many experienced stunt performers and action actors don’t know…

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Learn our ‘The Emergency Protective Posture’ it could save your life one day! This is a special body position that enables you to survive falls from a height when an accident or mishap occurs on set. This is highly specialized knowledge only known and taught by very experienced stunt professionals. Learn how other performers in the past have died from injuries on set, what you can do to prevent this from happening to you and even what to do if the unthinkable happens and you find yourself in a life threatening fall on or off set.

  • Our ‘Do As I Do’teaching strategy where you learn on how to perform 2 different types of ladder falls - 1) off of a step ladder & 2) off of a tall ladder.Ladder falls are used a lot across all genres of film and TV and once you have a grasp of the basics are pretty simple to do, add a lot of production value and keep directors absolutely delighted!

  • We breakdown the most common types of stair falls, how to set up a practice area of your own to safely practice them, the mechanics of stair falls, how to plan & practice your route down the stairs, how to link other action sequences into your stair falls, and finally how to incorporate acting to take the stair fall performance to the next level. Even stunt performers who attend stunt school often don't learn how to do stair falls or when they do, they learn only a fraction of what we teach in this video instructional. This is a perfect stunt to add to your reel to make it more impressive!

  • Our ‘Do As I Do’teaching strategy where you learn on how to perform 2 different types of Skateboard / Scooter Falls. Skateboard / Scooter falls are used in both action and comedy genres of film and TV and you don’t need to be an expert skateboard or scooter rider to do it! We make it pretty simple to learn and perform these stunts, and with a little practice you’ll have a very unique stunt skill to add to your performer’s toolkit, action reel and casting profiles!

  • We breakdown the most common types of Bike Stunt Falls (both slow speed & high speed), how to set up a practice area of your own to safely practice them, the mechanics of Bike Stunt Falls, how to plan & practice your route & final crash/fall, how to combine tactical firearms choreography into your Bike Stunt Falls, and finally how to incorporate acting to take the Bike Stunt Falls performance to the next level. This is a very unique skill that more than 95% of stunt performers and action actors NEVER LEARN in their entire careers because no stunt school or seminar they attended even offered this type of training. Yet this skill is used a fair amount across both the action and comedy genres. Give yourself a great advantage with this unique stunt skill set!

  • ‘Live Action’ Video Displays where you see PRO stunt performers and action actors in ACTUAL MOVIES & TV SHOWS performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals. See firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

Volume 2 General Stunts’ Video Breakdown ® $197 value

In this 2nd volume we show you the steps to safely and cinematically performing high demand stunts that many experienced stunt performers and action actors don’t know…

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Our ‘Do As I Do’ teaching strategy where you learn every possible variation on how to use A Mini Trampoline including – With Feet First Landings, With The Header (toe tapping) and With The Face Off. Also covered is how to get one for free or for a really low price, how to set up a practice area of your own to safely practice them and how to incorporate acting to take your performance to the next level. Learn how to properly use this specialized stunt equipment that is used a LOT in action movies!

  • PRO TIPs for learning how to use an air ram, the differences between an air ram and a mini-trampoline, etc.. so you actually know what you’re doing when you have to use one and always look believable on camera to both the director and the audience.

  • Performance Basics: The Car Hood Slide - learn step by step how to perform the venerable, time-tested, still widely used stunt – the car hood slide. Learn how to set up a practice area of your own to safely practice it, all the mechanics involved, and once again how to incorporate acting into it take your performance to the next level. This is a very unique stunt skill to have and will definitely make you stand out in your reel, submission videos and performance as a stunt performer or action actor who brings something unique to the table.

  • Performance Basics: Roof Jump Stunts - learn step by step how to perform the widely used stunt – Roof Jump Stunts. Learn how to set up a practice area of your own to safely practice it, all the mechanics involved, also learn our 3 specialized training drills that will help you gain more height and distance for your roof jump stunts - TAUGHT NOWHERE ELSE! This is a very unique stunt skill to have and will definitely make you stand out in your reel, submission videos and performance as a stunt performer or action actor who brings something unique to the table.

  • ‘Live Action’ Video Displays where you see PRO stunt performers and action actors in ACTUAL MOVIES & TV SHOWS performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals. See firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

Volume 3 General Stunts’ Video Breakdown ® $197 value

In this 3rd volume we show you the steps to safely and cinematically performing high demand stunts that many experienced stunt performers and action actors don’t know…

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • How To Perform The PLF (Parachute Landing Fall)

  • How To Perform Chair Falls – Side Facing

  • How To Perform Chair Falls – Front Facing

  • How To Use Breakaway Furniture

  • How To Get Thrown Through Boxes / Barrels / Windows

  • How To Get Thrown Into Things And NOT Break Them

  • How To Fall With Guns & Weapons

  • How To Do A Belt Choke & Floor Drag or Hair Grab & Drag Stunt

  • How To Hit Someone In The Face Or Arm With A Baseball Bat Stunt

  • How To Use Breakaway Glass Bottles, Vase, Bricks & Cinderblocks

  • How To Use Sugar Glass Mirrors or Windows

  • ‘Live Action’ Video Displays where you see PRO stunt performers and action actors in ACTUAL MOVIES & TV SHOWS performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals. See firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

Theatrical CBT – ‘Stunt Fighting For Camera’ MasterClass ® $297 value

THE MOST COMPLETE video course on stunt fighting for camera ever created.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • How To Throw Strikes – learn the components to launching believable strikes on your scene partner that don’t really hit them, look powerful and actually register on camera.

  • Performance Speeds - Learn the various standardized speeds used in PRO Caliber stunt fighting that ensure that you and your partner are safe and deliver compelling performances.

  • How To Deliver Stunt Strikes That Sell The Audience – Learn about breaking the camera line, box theory and the 3 things the audience MUST SEE with each of your strikes.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 1: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY throw straight punches, crosses, hook punches and uppercuts so that they look powerful and break the camera line while keeping your partner safe the entire time.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 2: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY throw 3 different types of elbow strikes so that they look powerful and break the camera line while keeping your partner safe the entire time.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 3: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY throw 3 different types of Knee strikes so that they look powerful and break the camera line while keeping your partner safe the entire time.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 4: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY throw Ball Thrust kicks and Side Thrust kicks so that they look powerful and break the camera line while keeping your partner safe the entire time.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 5: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY throw Round house kicks & hook kicks so that they look powerful and break the camera line while keeping your partner safe the entire time.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 6: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY finish a scene partner on all fours by throwing an Uppercut shin kick or a Front Thrust Knee leap so that they look powerful and break the camera line while keeping your partner safe the entire time.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 7: Learn step by step how to PROPERLY perform the highly entertaining 2 Handed Front Choke with you and your scene partner.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 8: See how to deliver various punching combinations and how your scene partner should react to each.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 9: See how to deliver various punch & knee combinations and how your scene partner should react to each.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 10: See how to deliver kicking combinations 1 – 3 and how your scene partner should react to each.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 11: See how to deliver kicking combinations 4 – 6 and how your scene partner should react to each.

  • ‘Striking Your Scene Partner’ Volume 12: See how to deliver kicking combinations 7 – 9 and how your scene partner should react to each.

  • Footwork In Stunt Fighting: learn the various types of footwork used in PRO caliber stunt fighting.

  • Stunt Fighting Reactions Volume 1 – reactions are the foundation of your career as a stunt performer or action actor and one of the most important skills to help you get booked. In this instructional learn…Act Outs

  • Stunt Fighting Reactions Volume 2 – reactions are the foundation of your career as a stunt performer or action actor and one of the most important skills to help you get booked. In this instructional learn…Body Work

  • Stunt Fighting Reactions Volume 3 – reactions are the foundation of your career as a stunt performer or action actor and one of the most important skills to help you get booked. In this instructional learn…Face Work

  • Performance Hacks! – Learn insider tips & tricks to make your performances better and more believable.

  • How To Use Acrobatics In Stunt Fighting – See how to incorporate acrobatics & gymnastics in stunt fighting regardless of what acrobatic or gymnastic move you're doing.

  • Learn PRO TIPs for learning how to ‘lean into your scene partner’s strikes’ & when to do it as well as how to use the set to add to your strikes.

  • ‘Live Action’ Video Displays where you see PRO stunt performers and action actors in ACTUAL MOVIES & TV SHOWS performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals. See firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

PRO Wrestling ‘Crowd Pleasing Finishing Moves’ for Film & TV Video LAB ® - $397 value

Learn the Highly Entertaining, Time Tested, Audience Proven stunt fighting finishing moves that we took from Pro Wrestling and modified to be used safely for film and TV.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • How To Do The Choke Slam

  • How To Do The Rock Bottom Finisher

  • How To Do The Stunner

  • How To Do The Twist Of Fate

  • How To Do The Sky High

  • How To Do Ric Flair's Rolling Knee Drop

  • How To Do The Spine Buster

  • Learn PRO TIPs for learning how to ‘make your own combinations’ & specifically how to act throughout the entire technique.

  • Discover how to design Combos to use for your reel, your own projects & social media.

  • ‘Live Action’ Video Displays where you see PRO stunt performers and action actors in ACTUAL MOVIES & TV SHOWS performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals. See firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

Stunt PRO TIPS for Film & TV ® - $150 value

Expert coaching advice for stunt performers & action actors who want to have a STRONG foundation in stunts and take their performance skills to the next level.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • The DOs and DON'Ts of performing in inclement weather.

  • How to Use Your Basics to design advanced stunt choreography.

  • Why Action Actors Have An Advantage Over Stunt Performers!

  • The importance of keeping hydrated throughout your training and performances.

  • How and why to Leverage Youtube to grow your career.

  • The reason why If You Can’t Do It WITHOUT Pads Don’t Do It With Pads

  • Why you should Always Determine The Number Of Steps In Each Stunt

  • Show Performance Range In Your Reel

  • Match The Fall To The Performance

  • Add To Your Skill Set Based On Industry Demand. Watch movies & TV shows!

  • How to become a more sought after stunt double and action actor who brings something unique to the table.

The ‘ELEVATE - Career Marketing’ Roadmap- $299 value

The most misunderstood, underappreciated aspect of growing an action actor or stunt performer’s career and one of the most important.

Here’s Some Of What We’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • Discover our PROVEN turnkey marketing plan that you can begin implementing immediately the moment you enroll in this course!

  • Marketing Hacks! Learn our secret technique for finding stunt coordinators contact information from several little known sources. We show you how to do this state by state and even with other countries around the world. Now you can compile a list of stunt coordinators to reach out to and introduce yourself! This is one of the most common and effective ways of growing your career!

  • Marketing Hacks! Learn our secret technique for finding Production Companies (i.e. producers, directors, etc.) contact information from several little known sources. We show you how to do this state by state and even with other countries around the world. Now you can compile a list of the key people in a production to reach out to and introduce yourself! This is another powerful way of growing your career!

  • Swipe Files! Use our proven email swipes for reaching out to stunt coordinators and production companies. We take the guesswork out and give you PROVEN email swipes that are literally ‘plug and play’ and get great results!

  • Insider Secrets! How to ‘Hustle Film Sets’! Learn how to find Film and TV Productions going on in your local area. Then how and when to approach the stunt coordinator, what to say, what to do and more. You could literally find out about a production going on today, hustle that set and get hired on the spot!

  • Learn Commando Marketing Tactics to get jobs and build key relationships plus the special types of headshots to get for stunts and action acting, and more!

  • How To Run Your Action Actor / Stunt Performer Business where you learn topics like: if you should have a website to get the best results, how you can qualify for small business loans for being an action actor/stunt performer, how many bank accounts you should have set up, why you should have more than one occupation in this business if you want to do this full time& long term and more!

  • The exact ‘Marketing Strategy’ we perfected with dozens of clients and students. Learn what to put in your acting and stunt performer profiles, as well as your professional resume and IMDB page so that you stand out to any producers or directors that come by your profile and want someone with Stunt Training.

  • How to start your own LOCAL stunt training club. This way you gather together other people to train and workout with. This is a very effective strategy for locking in what you're learning, building professional relationships, making the entire process more fun and growing your career to the next level.

  • How to leverage your new Stunt Training and experience in your social media profiles so you gain new followers, plus how to make short action video clips for content to upload to your profile to not only generate more likes and shares yet even to have directors and content creators reach out to you to cast you in their projects.

  • What life can be like on the road as an action actor / stunt performer, how to set up your hotel room for training, safety concerns, working in foreign countries, working with stunt coordinators from other countries and more.

  • Discover the actual #hashtags to include in your posts on the various social media sites to ensure that casting directors, directors, stunt coordinators and content creators find you when they’re searching so you don’t lose out any potentially career changing opportunities!

  • Links to actual Fight Choreography videos that we’ve done and others that online audiences have enjoyed, liked and shared. This way you know how to choreograph your own and promote them to keep your fans engaged!

The ‘PRO Level Performance’ Shortcut ® - $125 value

Industry Insider Secrets for training specifically for action actors & stunt performers that most tactical firearms instructors and stunt coordinators don't know.

Here’s Some Of What I’ll Show You In This Video Class:

  • The exact practice routine and regimen we use for our own stunt team and our clients to prepare for any role and give an amazing performance despite having just learned the action sequence or choreography a few days before.

  • Discover how to ensure you’re always ‘Camera Ready’ with your skills by using your own camera phone and a cheap tripod so you can prevent making the most common mistakes most actors and stunt performers make when going into an audition or performance.

  • Learn how to use even a simple mirror to give you insight about your performance that most performers don’t have. See for yourself your own strengths and weaknesses, so you can become a more well rounded actor or stunt performer.

  • The 3 time tested, performance proven methods for building your own training partners (if you don’t have one) that our stunt team has used for years. Now you can have your own training partners who are available to train with you when you want as often as you want regardless of where you are in the world. These methods are either free or very low cost. You decide which ones you use.

  • PRO TIPs on how to practice with a scene partner plus two alternative strategies if you’re by yourself that ensure your acting and performance skills improve exponentially so this method works just as well for you when you have your chance ‘on camera’.

  • Industry Insider Fight Choreography Templates. These are the same templates professional fight choreographers use to choreograph intricate fight scenes for 1 or more lead actors in a movie or TV show. Learn how to read and understand them, learn the codes and abbreviations, how to update them and use them for your own performances and projects. Provided in word document format so you can make changes in them yourself. You can’t find these on Google or anywhere else!

‘Live Action’ Video Displays ® - $99 value

Here’s What You'll Get:

  • See actual professionally trained stunt performers, action actors & stunt fighters in action in film & TV performing some of the very same skills you learn in these instructionals.

  • Learn firsthand how it looks when you do this stuff on camera in film or TV so you go into your next performance with the right motivation, mindset, body expressions and focus.

Here's Why I Spent Over $20,000 Just So

I Could Learn These Skills...

Throughout my own career as a stunt performer, expert martial artist, stunt coordinator and armorer for the film, TV & Entertainment industry, I knew that these types of stunt skills would be in ever greater demand in movies and TV shows around the country and the world as the years went by.

And just so you know this sort of training isn’t cheap! Class prices for custom stunt training like what we offer range anywhere from $75 to $200 PER SESSION depending on what you’re learning and that doesn’t include airfare, hotel stay, meals, etc.. that you also have to pay for the duration of the training.

Plus there are NOT a lot of people who teach this stuff in the first place! Add to that, they may not teach very often. So bottom line it’s very challenging to learn this highly specialized knowledge. Also, you usually can’t record any video of the training so forgetting a lot of the training afterwards is VERY common.

So I invested well over $20,000 in my stunt training, plus countless hours doing weekly training with my Elite Tactical Stunt Team...and I'm summing it all up for this MasterCourse that we designed to be a complete, permanent resource for you to use for the duration of your career. If your career lasts 20 years, then you will continue to benefit from it 20 years from now.

Here’s Why This MasterCourse Would Normally Cost $10,000

There are no other online Stunt Training courses for film & TV. Especially none taught by professionally trained and experienced, industry recognized stunt coordinators and armorers for the film, TV & Entertainment industry (we’ve checked). Why? Because we charge anywhere from $100 to $350 per hour to privately train actors and stunt performers.

So if I were to take you into our training facility and train you myself, it would easily take several days of 2 -3 hours each to just cover the basics and make sure you understand them. At nearly $200/hour, it would turn into a pretty expensive day/week/month...like it usually does with private instruction.

Plus, if you had a BIG audition or role coming up and needed a refresher class, you’d have to either hope that we or someone else offered a class right then or pay for 1-on-1 instruction to prepare you for the role.

Yet with our Online MasterCourse, you simply pull up our video lessons on your phone WHENEVER you need them WHEREVER you are in the world. 24 – 7 - 365.

And if you have questions, you can submit them in our private online social community or via Premium Email Support to get them answered. It’s all included!

One of the reasons we can offer the MasterCourse at this price is because we don't ship you anything. Because of this, I'm releasing ‘The Stunt Performer BootCamp - MasterCourse’ including all of the videos PLUS any updates added each year PLUS the bonuses (found below) for INSTANT ACCESS. You’ll get it today at the lowest rate possible…

Normally $10,000

Today Just $299

* You get access to this one of a kind training for 12 consecutive months (1 whole year)!

Plus it’s Tax Deductible!

Try It 48 Hours Risk Free.

After reviewing the MasterCourse, if you don’t like what you see and it doesn’t work for you, We’ll refund every penny.

(this is something the other courses WON’T do)

Meet Your Instructors

►Lead Instructor Background & QualificationsDillon Wilson

U.S. Army Veteran; Special Forces military training with various organizations & private instructors; PRO Trained & experienced 1st & 2nd Unit Director / Stunt Coordinator / Fight Choreographer; Professionally trained & experienced Licensed/permitted Armorer for the film, TV and entertainment industry with the California Department Of Justice; Has his Dangerous Weapons Permits (darn near impossible to get in California) with the California Department Of Justice; Certified Instructor in Commando Battle Tactics; Over 26+ years martial arts training & experience in both Empty Hand And Martial Arts Weapons; Sword Master

Weapon Styles Cross Trained In:

• African Martial Arts

• Kendo

• Kali

• Arnis

• Escrima

• European Martial Arts

• Okinawan Weapons

• Kung Fu Weapons

• Pentjak Silat

• Spanish Fencing

• Military Combatives Knife Training

• Theatrical Martial Arts Fighting For Film & TV (Empty Hand, Swords & Edged Weapons)

Technical Advisor for the Film, TV & Entertainment Industry; Professionally trained & experienced LEAD Actor; Graduate Film School – Director & Line Producer; Guest Repeat Lecturer at AFI (The American Film Institute Conservatory) teaching Producers, Directors & Writers how to leverage action in film; Guest Repeat Lecturer at the Art Center Of Pasadena - teaching Producers, Directors & Writers how to leverage action in film; Approved Stunt Coordinator for the Full Curriculum for Masters Degree Candidate students at AFI (The American Film Institute Conservatory); Founder C.B.T. Stunt Alliance (a veteran owned company)

►Additional Instructors: Various

U.S. Army Veterans; Commando Status in Commando Battle Tactics; Over 29+ years martial arts training & experience; Professionally trained & experienced Weapons Wrangler; Technical Advisor for the Film, TV & Entertainment Industry; Certified Security Professional; Licensed Security Guard; Stunt Coordinator / Fight Choreographer; Professionally trained & experienced Actor; Professional Stunt Performer; Guest Repeat Lecturer at the Art Center Of Pasadena - teaching Producers, Directors & Writers how to leverage action in film

What Else Do You Need To Be Successful Using This MasterCourse To GROW Your Career?

As I was creating this course, I realized there were a few other things that you could use to make it easier to be successful using it. That’s why I created never before seen (or sold) bonuses and I’m going to throw them in completely FREE with your purchase today.

Bonus #1 - A ‘Certification In Basic Stunt Training’ for Film & TV and a Professional ‘Certificate of Graduation’

This helps you to build the credibility that you need!

With more and more productions asking action actors & stunt performers to have had some type of stunt training to ensure safe practices on set, having formal professional training for film & TV by experienced stunt coordinators and fight choreographers for the industry is HUGE. Plus having a professional certificate that lists what you were trained in is a BIG PLUS.

Now you simply hand in or email your certificate to production along with your submission. You can even upload it to your social media profiles, acting profiles and stunt performer profiles, etc.. (this is all covered in the marketing class of this MasterCourse).

To get the certification and professional certificate you do have to pass an Online Quiz and a Video Final Exam which is included in this course. Come on we’re not going to put our name on you without you being legitimate! We review and grade both the Online Quiz plus The Video Final Exam. Scores are ‘Pass’ or ‘Retest’. When you successfully pass the Online Quiz and Video Final Exam, not only will you know that you’re good, you will see your Video Final and have visual confirmation that you know what the hell you’re doing.

This bonus is included to help you more effectively grow your career. You don’t have to take the quiz or the test if you don’t want to. You only need to do it if you want to be certified and get the professional certification.

A $250 value – yours FREE

Bonus #2 - A Membership In Our Private Online Social Community of Professional Action Actors & Stunt Professionals

Become part of something greater than yourself, meet new friends, colleagues & more!

This business can definitely be lonely at times. Especially in the beginning. Wouldn’t it be great to have a community of people like you, with the same interests as you, who understand what you’re going through, are there to support you and ideally you’re there to support them as well? Well that’s exactly what our private online social community is about!

Join our popular community where you can post videos, ask questions, network, find training partners & stunt coaches in your local area and more. We even periodically post acting and stunt gigs that you can submit for as well and you can feel free to do the same if you are a content creator or have projects looking for trained actors and stunt performers.

We set this up to be a valuable resource for our students and clients. You can upload your reels, fight scenes, tactical firearms choreography videos and more then simply ask us and/or the group for input and we’ll reply.

Remember, you’re not in this alone. You’re part of a community of like-minded artists and professionals.

A $299 per year value – yours FREE

Bonus #3 - CHEATSHEET for the ‘Stunt Performer BootCamp’

This helps to make it ‘state-of-the-art’ easy to learn, remember and use!

One of the most effective ways to learn and RETAIN what you leaned for use later is with a cheatsheet. This E-Z to use cheatsheet has the entire MasterCourse explained in it, plus includes lists & descriptions of the techniques, links to example videos, clips to movies using the techniques you’ve been taught, your personal marketing plan, as well as a wealth of information and knowledge from our stunt team’s accumulated knowledge, wisdom and experience of many years in the business all right at your finger tips.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the business or been in for 30 years or more, you’re guaranteed to learn something new from this treasure trove of knowledge and experience.

This invaluable Cheatsheet contains everything you need to know to put the lessons in the MasterCourse to work for you. Plus, it’s designed for you to save it on your phone or print it out and keep it in your pocket for when you practice or are prepping for your next audition or performance!

A $99 value – yours FREE

Bonus #4 - 2 Months Gold Membership Audio/Video (Email Coaching)

You get your own Personal Coach! We're here to 'ride shotgun' for you every step of the way!

It’s very important to have a personal feedback loop while you’re in the midst of your training and throughout your career. This feedback loop will prove vital to help you grow and develop your skills & career.

So what happens if you have a question that that’s not covered in the course? Or some new situation comes up? With courses offered by other people, you’re just on your own OR you have to pay for a pricey consultation. Well not with ‘The Stunt Performer BootCamp’ MasterCourse. We’re including 2 months Gold Membership Audio/Video Email Coaching to answer any questions that you may have about the topics covered in this course!

Now you’re not in it alone. You have us by your side every step of the way. Your personal training coach is here for you 24/7 to answer UNLIMITED QUESTIONS.

Simply, email us your question (our premium support email is included with the course) and we will personally reply to it with an answer for you at no additional charge. If your question needs an audio file response OR EVEN A VIDEO to properly answer it, that’s included in this package.

Our consulting packages average $150 per hour so getting this is a great benefit and a valuable service.

A $799 per year value – yours FREE

Start Your Training Now!

Normally $10,000

Today Just $299

* You get access to this one of a kind training for 12 consecutive months (1 whole year)!

Plus it’s Tax Deductible!


If you’re thinking about someone else right now who would ABSOULTELY LOVE getting this type of training to launch their career as a professional action actor, stunt performer or even a filmmaker / content creator, this MasterCourse makes the perfect ‘Highly Memorable’ gift.

Why? Because it can do what no new tie, shirt, video game, blouse or spa day can do…help them to realize their dreams.

And we can tell you from experience what it’s like to actually be IN this business. It literally is a dream come true. You meet some of the most amazing people, experience some of the most exciting times in your life and make memories that you cherish forever. And even if it’s short lived, it’s something that you remember and talk about for the rest of your life.

So surprise your friend, spouse, or special person with this MasterCourse as their perfect gift.

For The First 150 Orders Only

There is NO WAY IN THE WORLD I will continue to offer this amazing one of a kind, life changing course for this low discounted price. MARK MY WORDS, I will increase the price to $799 which is still an amazing deal.

So after the first 150 orders that I get, the price will increase to $799.

Here’s All You Need To Do Now…

To get your hands on the ‘The Stunt Performer BootCamp’ MasterCourse right now, have your credit card ready and use our secure order form.

Just click the big blue button below to get started and afterwards you will be taken to our Instant Access Course Page. Just fill out the form below to get instant access.

What are you waiting for? If you want to launch your career the right way or grow it to the next level, invest in YOU and put yourself on the fast-track to success. I’m so confident that you’ll get great results, that I’ll back it up with a 48 hour Money Back Guarantee.

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Coupon Code

Payment Methods

Order Summary

1 Time Offer: 5 Months Gold Membership Audio/Video (Email Coaching)

Some action actors and stunt performers get started more slowly than others, others need more support or hand holding, and even others aren't used to training solo, whatever your reason it helps to have a personal coach by your side to help you navigate the action acting & stunt performer world and figure everything out.

It’s very important to have a personal feedback loop while you’re in the midst of your training and throughout your career. This feedback loop will prove vital to help you grow and develop your skills & career.

We already include 2 months of this invaluable Gold Membership Email Coaching in the package above because we wish for you to be successful. Yet many performers, just like many successful CEO's, want to have a personal coach to help them get the best results. So we’re making this offer to extend your Gold Membership Email Coaching by an additional 5 months for a greatly discounted price.

Now you’re not in it alone. You have us by your side every step of the way. Your personal training coach is here for you 24/7 to answer UNLIMITED QUESTIONS.

Simply, email us your question (our premium support email is included with the course) and we will personally reply to it with an answer for you at no additional charge. If your question needs an audio file response OR EVEN A VIDEO to properly answer it, that’s included in this package.

Value $799 – Right Now Only $99 (less than $20 per month!)

$799.00 $99.00